Exotic disease information

Outbreaks of Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) have reached neighbouring Indonesia. If either one reaches Australia, it will have a significant impact on the livestock export industry.

Know the signs and report anything suspicious immediately to the Exotic Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888.

Should there be an outbreak in Australia, all key information about the incident and the response, including links to state and territory governments and other agencies, will be on

The information and links below were correct at the time of publication but the situation is continually evolving.

Australian disease monitoring

  • The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry provides updates on Australia’s animal health systems and LSD freedom status on its website.

Travelling overseas

If you're travelling to a country with FMD or LSD, there are steps you can take while there, and after returning, to protect Australia. Ships and their crews also have an important role to play.

  • Advice for industry has been put together by the department: for washing and disinfecting clothes after travelling in market; and on solutions to use in footbaths.

  • Requirements for bringing back used veterinary equipment (including boots and protective clothing) is available on BICON.

  • LiveCorp has developed an infographic to reassure producers and the public about the biosecurity practices in the supply chain.

  • A poster has been developed as a reminder of the important role ship crews play in keeping Australia free of disease.

  • LiveCorp has developed a poster to stop people coming on board ships, available in English and Indonesian Bahasa.

  • Official advice for all travellers entering Australia is on the department's website - Be alert, look for dirt

General biosecurity information

Ensuring your biosecurity measures are up to date can help to limit the spread of disease, should they reach Australia.

Disease Specific Advice

Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD)
Resources in English
Resources in Indonesian Bahasa
Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD)
Resources in English
Resources in Indonesian Bahasa