
LiveCorp's vision of the future


LiveCorp’s Strategic Plan 2025 lays out some ambitious targets for the company, with the aim of supporting the livestock export industry to be more resilient and sustainable than ever before.

Released this week, the document has been developed by an independent consultant through interviews with exporters and other stakeholders at the start of the process, so their views could be taken into consideration from the outset.

The result has been an updated mission for LiveCorp, covering its key areas of focus:

  • Generate positive animal health and welfare outcomes along the length of the livestock export supply chain

  • Introduce innovative solutions and technical improvements to the performance of the livestock export supply chain

  • Contribute to the opening and development of livestock export market access.

The strategic plan lays out a series of goals to be achieved in its five year timeframe, and the outcomes against which progress will be measured. LiveCorp is committed to being accountable and delivering against the plan, while remaining flexible enough to adapt and change to market conditions if necessary.

For instance, five years ago there was no live cattle trade to Vietnam. Now it is second only to Indonesia, and growing and maturing rapidly. Moving forward there may be similar opportunities, such as returning to a significant and sustainable trade in live sheep with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia following the recent agreement of a health protocol.

Equally, the strategic plan outlines some of the risks to the industry. COVID-19 is already having an impact, and the extent of the economic recession being triggered by the pandemic is still unknown, especially when looking at a five year timeframe.

Collectively, those consulted are keen to leave behind a past marked by controversy in favour of a viable, longer-term future. LiveCorp has invested in research to understand community sentiment, which shows there is a strong base from which to grow support. However, there is still work to be done and the industry will be judged by its performance.

While it is LiveCorp’s strategic plan, everyone in the supply chain from livestock producers and suppliers to importers and abattoirs have a role to play in achieving the vision of leading the world in the health and welfare of livestock exports.